Letter of reference regarding therapy undertaken with Zbigniew K. Marzec – 2016
I decided (after some discussion with my partner) that I would try a course of therapy to see if it was possible to effect the low mood, and cycles of negative thinking that have been with me since my mid-teens – around 20 years…
It is probably worth mentioning that it was not my first attempt at therapy and I was not very convinced that an improvement was possible for me. At the time of starting therapy I was very much dependent on antidepressants. By the time I stopped I did not seem to need them. I am not against medication personally as a means of coping and at the time I was extremely glad to have the option of taking them, as the alternative was unbearable. However I have come to view it as temporary treatment for a symptom that does was not addressing the cause.
I think that Zbigniew’s approach to therapy is very different to anything I had encountered before. There is clearly a great deal of professional discipline, learning and understanding, but if I had to guess I would say that life experience, personal enquiry and a natural interest and intuition for the art of healing play at least as big a part in his success as a therapist.
For my part I get wrapped up in thinking and analysis. It was necessary for me to have rather an intellectual and philosophical discussion, but underling this there was always a focus on emotional understanding and the development of the power of imagination on a subconscious level. The therapy was varied and discussion was only a part of it, a point which surprised me in positive way.
To lead someone to develop both a rational and subconscious understanding of their issues is high challenge. To do this while simultaneously developing the ability of their minds to develop from a depressed and nihilistic state to one in which they are able to dream and feel things again is something which I would not have thought possible. It is certainly a rare talent and something I think few could have achieved in my case. I feel very grateful to have encountered Zbigniew and for his dedication to my particular process of recovery.
I feel I now have the tools to approach understanding the effect of my own thoughts and to unlocking the positive power of my own mind. Generally I feel very much more able to approach life in a positive way. I think that even at the worst times we all remember somewhere that life has great meaning – that we miss feeling it and get lost as a result is proof that it is a natural part of what we are! That is a simple logic but remembering that and finding it once it is lost is not so simple and I am glad I had such good help.
James H.
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